AI in the workplace: CIPD roundtable explores benefits, implications and challenges

The CIPD recently hosted a roundtable on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at work, examining how AI is redefining the employment landscape, relations and future skills. 

AI in the workplace: CIPD roundtable explores benefits, implications and challenges

The CIPD recently hosted a roundtable on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at work, examining how AI is redefining the employment landscape, relations and future skills.  

AI: benefits, implications and challenges

The CIPD, the UK's professional body for human resources (HR), hosted a roundtable discussion on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on work, bringing together experts, policymakers, and HR leaders from various organizations. The discussion focused on understanding the implications of AI on the world of work and how organisations and the HR profession should respond.

Key takeaways from the roundtable discussion:

  • AI is rapidly transforming the employment landscape: AI is dramatically altering the employment landscape, prompting organisations to consider where and how they will adopt AI technologies while keeping ethical considerations at the forefront.

  • Jobs evolution vs. jobs revolution: the roundtable debated whether AI will lead to a gradual jobs evolution or a disruptive jobs revolution. Participants expressed concerns about the potential disproportionate impact of AI on lower-income individuals.

  • Generative AI and employment relationships: the discussion highlighted the need for guidelines, tools, policies, and laws to ensure the responsible and ethical use of generative AI in organisations. Concerns were raised about the potential for AI systems to cause discrimination through biased data selection.

  • AI and its impact on skills: the roundtable recognised that AI has the potential to both augment and displace jobs, depending on the industry, sector, or role. Participants called for a review of education to ensure it aligns with the skills requirements of the future workforce.

Peter Cheese, Chief Executive of the CIPD, stated:

As people professionals we should ensure AI is integrated responsibly and ethically in our organisations. Now is the time to assess the potential impacts on jobs and skills so we can understand the risks and opportunities AI brings.

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Adrian Harvey, CEO at Elephants Don’t Forget, commented:

By the end of this decade more than 90% of the UK’s workforce will need re-skilling. Changes driven by Covid-19, digitalisation and Brexit means that employers have no choice but to upskill/re-skill. Organisations that embrace employee-centric AI and life-long workplace learning now will leverage re-skilling as a competitive advantage and an asset for productivity and profit improvement in the future.

This e-guide is aimed at H&R and L&D practitioners who – like the author – are passionate about life-long workplace learning and believe that the next big thing in the workplace isn’t AI to displace human employees, but is in fact the up-skilling and re-skilling of every individual employee so they can be the very best they can be.

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